
Thursday, July 25, 2019

math strand

Today for math strand we have been learning about statisics. We asked the question ' How do people in p.o.t 2 get to school ? we did a tally chart then a bar graph. same people take the car or they take the bike or walk or scooter or bus I found it easy for me some people found it hard then we had to blog it.
math strand 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

dark moon

Today in literacy we had to write something for space and I pick the moon and we had to write some facts and we had make up what we think it looks like then we had to blog it.

!!..The moon looks like a big white ball and  it as same holes in the ,moon and same lumps. It feels like a lumpy ground and a stones ground,it is so quiet in space and it is like no one is there and the space looks like is like a dark chocolate with pretty stars in space, facts about the moon did you now the vast difference stems from how the moons formed. The other planets in the solar system used gravity to capture free floating bodies. But, Earth's moon was created when a Mars-sized body slammed into the young planet. ... But some could spiral into the planet, While others could quickly leave the orbit. 
So that is some facts about the moon and did you now that it takes roundabout 3 day to land and you will be flying like you would have wished for…

Just wanting to give a shout out

Today we have been learning about screencastify and we had to have a good background and no noise and we had to a shout out to someone that we are thankful for them as my best friends  then we had to post on are blog.

Friday, July 5, 2019


In math yesterday we had to finish some of are blog post for the end of the term and one of them was what do you need for a new pet then we had to blog it places comment on my blog.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

maui and the sun

In the past 5 weeks week had to make maui and the sun after are pepeah then we had to watch video then we had to blog it. 


Today in are home rooms we had to makes some stars and we made it out of string and cardboard and we had to number then we put it on the wall then we had to blog it places comment on my blog. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

7 sisters

So in literacy we had to make a activity about a story so in are favorite bit of it then we had to make it on a google drawing and I did 7 sisters stars then we had to blog it please comment on my blog.