
Monday, December 9, 2019

missing gingerbread house

For the past two days we have been doing, activities about who stole the gingerbread houses and you have to figure, out who stole the gingerbread houses and we had to do math to figure out who stole the gingerbread's houses and some, of the questions were hard then we finally got the thief it was a little girl who stole the gingerbread's then after we had to blog about it please comment on my blog. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019


On Friday year 5 and 6 went surfing at the beach in Sumner, then before we went in the water we had to play on the sand then me, and my friends turned in to mermaid which is, Arnicka and Aone and. Arnicka mum help me, and her then after, that we went surfing in the water then I keep on fulling in the water then I stand up, on the surfboard, then after that we went boogie boarding then a really big wave come in pulled me on to shore here are some photos of me and my friend.


Sunday, November 3, 2019

blue zone poster

So today we had to make a blue zone poster then we made things like what I am running low on sad tired bored and sick those are my weakness what I do to keep my happiness up take a break getting sleep and in the pool and drinking water then we had to blog it.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


So today we had to to a Maori paper work then we had to write the correct word then we had to make up are own question here are there, Kei hea te waea atamai ? Kei hea taku mama and we had to do this in home room here it is. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The red monster

So in literacy we had to make a red beast and we read the book and then miss w mad us make the red beast from the story then we had to blog it this is my.

Monday, October 21, 2019

zone of regulation

Yesterday we made a zone of regulation and it had to be about how other might feel if someone is yelling or up set how we might react to it this is what I made.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My morning routine

On Monday we had to make a morning routine when we wake up to when we go to school then we then we had to blog it. And this is my and I add images so you no what you are using for you when you wake up.               
                                                             Open my eyes then

Make bed then 
Get dresses then 
Have breakfast then 
Then brush teeth with toothpaste then
Do hair then
Pack lunch then pack bag then 
Go to school then 
Get ready for the day 
That’s my morning routine

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

color zones

Today we had to make a color zone and we had to get in to groups of 3 boy and girl then pick what one we want we pick frustrated then we had to describe what it look like then post it on are blog.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

what I am

For the past two days we have been make, what I am how I decided I ask my friends so we pick  5 things what we are then I ask my, friends then they pick 3 things what, I am we did it in are homeroom place comment on my blog.

Isabella narrate writing character

For the past week we had to make up a story character then we had to write it on paper then we had to put around the class room then we had to blog it place comment on my blog.So this is my character that introducing and my character likes nature, and her name is kiwiana and this is about inside and outside of her, this is her on the inside so she is kind, and looking after, her friends and family and she is happy and she is really nice and she likes big hair and brown hair that's what she likes and she likes to wear appropriate clothes.And this is her on the outside she likes to wear pink dresses and she has freckles and she as blue eyes and she likes to wear braces, and she likes to wear shoes that are pretty and she likes to smile.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

what do I value

Today we had to make a value circle so it had to be one circle the may one for what you like and what you value in your life then you make the seceded one it is about the first one then the third one is about the seceded one then we had to make it on a google drawing then we had to blog it here it is.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


We have been learning about respect, we thought of things that are important to us. I write it on a piece of paper they was a box watch are one for,
respecting this place with care  at home is my bedroom and the school one is putting away. stuff were it pongs to and  I will respecting the chrome books and at home my personal things that mean to me.     

Thursday, August 29, 2019

math strand

Today in are homeroom we had to do a graph it was a line graph then we put it in are math book then we had to blog it and are teacher said what are 2 thing about the graph realise I realise that the days go up then down up then down. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

parts of the telescopes

On Monday we had to make parts of the telescopes then we had to put it on a google drawing then we had to blog it on Thursday please comment on my blog. The parts of the telescopes 


Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Today we have been learning how to use venngaeg to make a poster. We have just started making these and so my poster in not finished yet. Do you like it so far.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

math strand

Today for math strand we have been learning about statisics. We asked the question ' How do people in p.o.t 2 get to school ? we did a tally chart then a bar graph. same people take the car or they take the bike or walk or scooter or bus I found it easy for me some people found it hard then we had to blog it.
math strand 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

dark moon

Today in literacy we had to write something for space and I pick the moon and we had to write some facts and we had make up what we think it looks like then we had to blog it.

!!..The moon looks like a big white ball and  it as same holes in the ,moon and same lumps. It feels like a lumpy ground and a stones ground,it is so quiet in space and it is like no one is there and the space looks like is like a dark chocolate with pretty stars in space, facts about the moon did you now the vast difference stems from how the moons formed. The other planets in the solar system used gravity to capture free floating bodies. But, Earth's moon was created when a Mars-sized body slammed into the young planet. ... But some could spiral into the planet, While others could quickly leave the orbit. 
So that is some facts about the moon and did you now that it takes roundabout 3 day to land and you will be flying like you would have wished for…

Just wanting to give a shout out

Today we have been learning about screencastify and we had to have a good background and no noise and we had to a shout out to someone that we are thankful for them as my best friends  then we had to post on are blog.

Friday, July 5, 2019


In math yesterday we had to finish some of are blog post for the end of the term and one of them was what do you need for a new pet then we had to blog it places comment on my blog.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

maui and the sun

In the past 5 weeks week had to make maui and the sun after are pepeah then we had to watch video then we had to blog it. 


Today in are home rooms we had to makes some stars and we made it out of string and cardboard and we had to number then we put it on the wall then we had to blog it places comment on my blog. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

7 sisters

So in literacy we had to make a activity about a story so in are favorite bit of it then we had to make it on a google drawing and I did 7 sisters stars then we had to blog it please comment on my blog.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


For the past week we had to make a thing, about evening that miss g put on the site then we had make a link then we had to type, about why we should do this or not do this then we then we had to blog it places comment on my blog.     
Did you know that people get build every year?  What is bullying? It makes people cry and make them upset and not go to school because they are getting build. In my opinion bullies should be banned. I am going to discuss reasons why people should not bully other people.
Because you can upset then and make them cry and make them not go to their school
So me and my sister we like to take each other thing then she will fake cry And get me in trouble. Then we like to make me cry and her witch fake cry she should stop taking my stuff. And she should, not be mean to people like me and stop taking my stuff. You should not be mean to people. Then if we are in the car we are nice to each other. Then we can be nice to each other then she can take my stuff and we like to fight a lot with each other.


Today in inquiry we had to make a recycle vehicle then we had to test it we mad it out of plastic and card and. Straws and tape and we had to make, it out of that then we had to build it it was hard ans easy two then we had to blog it places comment on my blog.     

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My pepeha

Today in class we had to make a pepeha and indigenous are family then we had to say are mountain and river then we had to blog it and then we had to say are home.

Monday, June 24, 2019


Today in literacy we had to make a cyclone then we had to draw it in google drawing then we had to make two of them then we had to blog it. Places comment on my blog here it is places do not judge my work.

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Today in math we had figure out are names in numbers so in are math's group to figure it out then we" had to take photos then we had to blog it. Places comment on my blog here it is.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Punctuation poster

Today in literacy we had to make a Punctuation poster then we had to describe the words  then we had to make the words bigger then we had to make it pretty and massive and then we had to blog it here it is please comment on my blog.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Isabella math book

Today in math we had to do make a slid on are digital math book then we had to go on the site then, we had to buy stuff for are new pet the stuff that we need for it. Then we had to add it up all to together and my is 200 dollars and the animal and pick cat then we had, to blog it places comment on my blog.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Tiny best

Today we had to make tiny best then we had to make a shoes with a tiny best next to it  then we had do post on are blog.Here it is pleases comment on my blog.

math class

Today in math we had to do a quick quiz you had to find a answer to plate 1 and plate 2 and plate 3 you put in to 6 plates to 3 so her it is sahila had 18 cupcakes for the party tea she would like share them out equally onto tow plates for the table. How many cakes will go onto each plate then we had to post on are blog.Here it is please comment on my blog.

frosty morning

Today in literacy we have being learning about haiku poem's and cinquain poem then we had to draw photo around it then we had to make it better then we had to post on are blog then we had to do quality blog post.Here it is quality please comment on my blog.  
           Frosty morning cold.
           It was like Antarctica.
           The coldest morning.
              by Isabella 



facts about caterpillars and butterflies

Today in class we had to do activities on the site and chose facts about too characters to write facts about I chose butterflies caterpillars then we had to post on are it is please comment on my blog.
These are the facts about them Caterpillars are insects, which means they have three body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen) and two antennae on their heads. Most caterpillars are herbivores, which means they eat plants. Caterpillarseat constantly so that they can grow. Caterpillarsgrow up and change into butterflies and butterflis utterflies are insects.
A butterfly's lifecycle is made up of four parts, egg, larva (caterpillars), pupa (chrysalis) and adult.
Butterflies attach their eggs to leaves with a special glue.
Most caterpillars are plant eaters (herbivores)

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

math class

Today in math we had to do this witch is were we had to do who's in and you had to do it has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in groups of 1 to 8 then we had to make a google drawing then we had  make up  questions then we had to post on are blog.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Alter pictures

Today in cybersmart we have be learning about fake and real and we had to cover things in photos  with some emoji. We looked at witch is private then we had to post on are blog then I. Alter it so no one can see it and and if they say no you cover their face. 
 with my friends.

Isabella colors poem

This week we have been learning about a color.Poem in are writing group and we had to pick a color
and make a poem about the.Color I pick blue as my color and we had to write on a piece of paper first then  we had to write on are Chromebook .
Isabella colors poem What thing look blue is the colors of are nice  walls What thing sounds blue pens like my teachers eye   

What thing smell blue the little blueberries  
How does blue feel sadness
What makes you feel blue ice because it remind me of coldness   
What thing taste blue the tablet water that go in my mouth
Can you think of blue places Crystal ocean.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


In cybersmart today we had to make a video about anything I did it about friends ship then we had to post on are blog then we had to make more then we had to save it thanks for watching the video pleas comment on my blog.   

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Straws rafts

In inquiry we are learning about the design  process. The Design process is were you plan  design and test a product or theory. process when you test it,is does,t  work and you have to start at the beginning again to see how you would make it better. mrs mcg gave us a challenge. we had to plan ,design build a straws raft to float with  40g of weight an it .we could only use straws and tape our raft failed 1 time because we did not measured it. we did some research about how rafts float and founds that hard and eyes challenging because it was so hard.

math class

Today in math we had to do like name order with a buddy and we had to take a photo then we had to put it on are blog and we had to do it on i pads it felt hard and eyes to do then we had to post on are blog.   

Sunday, May 26, 2019

dream bed room

Today in math we had to make a dream bed room and we had to spend 100 to make the dream bed room. We had to use our addition skills to make sure we didn't go over budget. This is what I got for my bed room Miss Williamson math class had to make it then we had to blog it please comment on my blog. I found it easy, to make it harder we could have a bigger budget.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Isabella Direction and position

In Maths Strand we did Directions and position we had to answer the questions in a google doc. Next we had to do like do north and south and west then we had to post on are blog.

What building is East of the Café? videos

What building is North of the Hall? church

What building is South of the Chemist? Doctor

What direction is the PlayCentre from the Church? Hall

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How to make a smoothie

Today in literacy we had to make instructions you could choose to write about we choose fruit smoothie  we had a buddy my buddy was kaela here is ours hope you like it   

Goal.  our goal is to show people how to make a fruit smoothie
How to make a fruit smoothie
What you need
A cup of Milk
Sliced Fruit / strawberries / blueberries /raspberries and cherries
Pod of vanilla Yogurt
Glass cups
How to make the smoothie the steps are get you blender and put the fruit in  
2. then put the yogurt in
3.and blend the fruit and yogurt
4.then add a cup of milk
5.then blend to you like it and make sure it is smooth
6.then pour it in your glass cups
7.then add toppings
8.and add your straw in your glass cups

9.then enjoy your smoothie :)

Monday, May 13, 2019

Personal and private

Today in Cybersmart we have be leaning about personal and private information. Personal is like your favorite thing but private is like your email and your password and your last name. Photos can also be private and personal because photos in your bathroom and bedroom are private. 
so what do you think is personal and private?

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Today we did  instructions story and we had to choose any thing to tell instructions about and i choose health because I want to tell everyone.

what you need 
any soap and
1.How to wash your hands after you come out of the bathroom you need to wash your hands so thay are clean.
Next step
2. how to wash your hands your first hand go on to your second hand next step
3.clean your hands when you eat next clean your hands after you go to the toilet. to brush your teeth and after you eat and then you go to bed
you brush your teeth.
5. Try  to eat more vegetables and drink more water and eta vim c
Try to eat lease candy more vegetables.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Four weeks ago we did a poem about colors and i choose blue for that and next we design it for a blog   post I was really excited because I have not made a post in awhile.

What thing look blue is the color of are nice  walls What thing sounds blue pens like my teachers eye   
What thing smell blue the little blueberries  
How does blue feel sadness
What makes you feel blue ice because it remind me of coldness   
What thing taste blue the tablet water that go in my mouth
Can you think of blue places Crystal ocean.


Thursday, April 11, 2019

All about me

Last week we made a all about me
portrait and we did it on are  chrome books and miss Morgan
made a thing on a google drawing
and we had to go on google to get some photo to put them on are portrait then we had to blog. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

six -sentence story

This week in writing we wrote a six-sentence story  about creating a character and adding detail. Our fows was on creating sentence. We learnt that the four critena of a sentence are that a sentence must make sense and your sentence has to have a space( ) next to each word and last but not least the fourth one is that you have to have a capital letter at the start of your sentence and a full stop at the end. The thing I thought was challenging was writing it 

Monday, March 18, 2019


What we have been learning today. We wrote about  kindness  and we have been  talking about change in NZ. After we talked about the change we wrote a poem after we did that we got in to group of  3

The world need kindness
Giving gift  to people
Make people smile
Giving people happy gift
Make people  day
Little can be big
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover
Give people flowers
Helping people
Care for other people

By Isabella

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Today    in writing we  used a picture  prompt to create lipogram .
A lipogram is a sentence without using one particular  letter . we 
had to  write one intersecting  sentence  describing   the  picture 
 without using the  letter /i/ . I found   this   easy /   challenging .... ( way? )   
The dragon and the boy met at a town and he made the dragon breath flames for the rock the end .